Static Web Site Generation (Part 2)

May 2, 2023

Previous post in the series: Static Web Site Generation (Part 1).

In my last post, I talked about webgen, the tool I wrote to maintain this website. It is a fairly conventional static web site generator, based on the simplest of all ideas: HTML templates that can be filled with HTML content. Writing it from scratch has been a good exercise and gave me a tool perfectly suited to my workflow that I can modify however and whenever said workflow changes.

A quick recap: the tool assumes that a web site is structured as a folder hierachy containing the HTML files to be served statically through a standard web server. Some of those HTML files are pre-written files, while others are generated from content and HTML templates. Site generation is done before the web site is deployed, so that only static files are served by the web server.

The tool scans all folder in the hierarchy and for any folder F with a __src subfolder containing a file foo.content holding some HTML content it generates a file foo.html in folder F by inserting __src/foo.content into an HTML template. That HTML template is found by searching the parent folders of F for a template __src/CONTENT.template. Templates can be stored at any levels of the folder hiearchy, and the template in the nearest enclosing folder is used.

This means, for example, that you can write a site template capturing the structure of all the pages of the final website (header, footer, navigation bar, layout, CSS), that you can write the HTML content of the various pages within those various content files, and that you can then generate the final website by simply injecting each content file into the site template to obtain the final pages.

Moreover, and this is the point of this post, there is no reason why content used to generate the final pages need to be HTML. It is easy enough to generate HTML from markup languages such as Markdown or Org files. The approach that webgen takes is to cascade content generation. For Markdown, for example, there is a Markdown-to-HTML translator in webgen that knows how to translate Markdown files into HTML content files that can be then be processed using the HTML content generation described above as though they were original content files. There is no difference between generated content files and original content files. This compositionality was an important design criterion for webgen.

More specifically, every __src/ file gets translated into a __src/foo.content HTML file in the same source folder. The implementation uses the library Blackfriday for parsing Markdown and generating the HTML. The translation from Markdown to HTML is completely standard: headers get translated into <h1>, <h2>, ..., italics into <i>, bold into <b>, lists into <ul>, etc.

A Markdown-specific HTML template can additionally be used to mediate the translation from Markdown to HTML. The tool searches for a template __src/MARKDOWN.template by walking up the folder hierarchy from the source folder of any Markdown file, in the same way as it searches for a template __src/CONTENT.template. If it finds such a Markdown template file, the HTML obtained by translating the Markdown file is inserted into the template to create the final content file.

The implementation supporting this process is a simple extension of what's already available. Recall from last time that the tool does a recursive walk over the folder hierarchy of the web site to generate foo.html from every __src/foo.content it finds. To handle Markdown translation, the tool does a preliminary recursive walk to translate every Markdown file into a content file before. Thus, given the following hierarchy:


the tool will first generate the following files in the Markdown translation pass:


using template root/__src/MARKDOWN.template for and root/D/__src/MARKDOWN.template for The subsequent recursive walk will generate page-C.html and page-D.html in the usual way:


The underlying walk-and-translate algorithm is straightforward:

for every folder F:
   if F/__src/ exists:
      for all files F/__src/
          transform into some HTML content
          if there is a nearest MARKDOWN.template file T:
             insert HTML content into T to update HTML content
          write HTML content to F/__src/C.content

In the tool, the above algorithm is contained in function WalkAndProcessMarkdowns(), invoked before WalkAndProcessContents() from last time and working very similarly:

func WalkAndProcessMarkdowns(root string) {
	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		rep.Fatal("ERROR: %s\n", err)
	walk := func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			// Error in processing the path - skip.
			return nil
		if !d.IsDir() {
			// Skip over files.
			return nil
		if filepath.Base(path) == ".git" {
			return fs.SkipDir
		if isGenDir(path) {
			// Skip GENDIR.
			return fs.SkipDir
		if isGenPosts(path) {
			return fs.SkipDir
		ProcessFilesMarkdown(cwd, path)
		return nil
	if err := filepath.WalkDir(root, walk); err != nil {
		rep.Fatal("ERROR: %s\n", err)

(Variable GENDIR abstracts the name of source folder __src in case I want to change it in the future.)

A function ProcessFilesMarkdown() does the bulk of the work of translating all the Markdown files in a __src folder in a way similar to ProcessFilesContents() for content files:

func ProcessFilesMarkdown(cwd string, path string) {
	gdPath, err := identifyGenDirPath(path)
	if err != nil {
	entries, err := os.ReadDir(gdPath)
	if err != nil {
		// if we can't read GENDIR, skip.
	for _, d := range entries {
		if !d.IsDir() && isMarkdown(d.Name()) {
			relPath, err := filepath.Rel(cwd, gdPath)
			if err != nil {
				relPath = gdPath
			target := filepath.Join(relPath, targetFilename(d.Name(), "md", "content"))
			w, err := os.Create(target)
			if err != nil {
				rep.Printf("ERROR: %s\n", err)
			if err := ProcessFileMarkdown(w, filepath.Join(relPath, d.Name())); err != nil {
				rep.Printf("ERROR: %s\n", err)
			rep.Printf("  wrote %s", target)

func ProcessFileMarkdown(w io.Writer, fname string) error {
	rep.Printf("%s\n", fname)
	md, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fname)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	metadata, restmd, err := ExtractMetadata(md)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	output := blackfriday.Run(restmd, blackfriday.WithNoExtensions())
	tpl, tname, err := FindMarkdownTemplate(fname)
	if tpl != nil {
		rep.Printf("  using markdown template %s\n", tname)
		result, err := ProcessMarkdownTemplate(tpl, metadata, template.HTML(output))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		output = []byte(result)
	if _, err := w.Write(output); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

(Clearly, that both the recursive walk to find Markdown files and the code to process Markdown files parallel the structure of generating HTML from content files suggests that there's an abstraction here that I can isolate. I'll work on that kind of refactoring the next time I touch this code base.)

The actual Markdown-to-HTML translation is achieved with a call to blackfriday.Run() in the Blackfriday library. Functions FindMarkdownTemplate() and ProcessMarkdownTemplate() are used to find a __src/MARKDOWN.template and to insert the produced HTML into such a template, respectively.

One additional detail worth mentioning is that I allow Markdown files to have YAML-style metadata at the top of the file, such as:

title: Static Web Site Generation (Part 1)
date: 2023-03-23

This metadata can be used in a Markdown template, although the implementation is not yet generic: I support only a few fields, such as title and date as above, mostly dedicated to the creation of blog posts. I will most likely talk about blog support in webgen in a future post. Markdown metadata is read using a function ExtractMetadata().

And that's about it. Clearly the above generalizes to other markup formats, as long as you can define an HTML translator for those formats.

In a precise sense, webgen works bottom-up: it first transforms every Markdown file it finds into a content file in a first pass, and then transforms every content file it finds into an HTML file in a second pass. It is easy to add more steps to the cascade. For instance, I explored the idea of adding LaTeX-style mathematical markup to Markdown documents to help writing mathematical posts. So as not to reinvent the Markdown-translation wheel, or hack the underlying Markdown translation library, the easiest way to support this kind of extended Markdown is to first translate the extended Markdown file into a normal Markdown file in which the mathematical markup has been translated to HTML, leaving all standard Markdown untouched. This latter Markdown file can then be translated to HTML using the process described above, taking advantage of the fact that the Blackfriday library leaves HTML markup in a Markdown file untouched during translation. (You can see the result on this experiment on these lecture notes on algorithmic analysis. The translation from LaTeX to HTML was done through Temml.)

The current implementation of webgen is not smart about generation. It will regenerate all files whenever it is run, whether their source files have been modified or not since the last generation. I don't see it as a problem right now because this site is small: generating it from scratch every times takes only a few seconds. Of course, a more efficient generation process would be to only regenerate files whose source have changed. I'm leaving this optimization for a future refactoring over the code.

Mantissa (by John Fowles)